Gator Engineering to Provide Talent for Sears Holdings’ Technology Pipeline

In News

March 18, 2013 – “Today’s announcement has exactly the kind of impact on our students, faculty, citizens, and state that our college aspires to foster. If you look around the country at those regions which are known for being the focal point for job creation and innovation – the Bay Area, Austin – you will invariably find a strong college of engineering. Gainesville and the State of Florida are fortunate to have just such a college. Gator Engineering has the capability and the desire to be a strong partner, and the university and the state can leverage the talent of our students and faculty to create a vibrant technology economy. Our college is one of the largest and most diverse colleges of engineering in the nation.  Our students are sought after by almost all major corporations.  There is really only one complaint from employers about our students – we need more of them!

~ Dean Abernathy, College of Engineering, University of Florida
