The institute will offer 6 ICE Fellowships to qualified graduate students. Each COE institute fellow will receive a one-time award of $6K.
The ICE Fellowship recipient must satisfy the following requirements:
- Must be advised by a COE faculty member on a computational research project, and
- Must complete the ICE certificate (which is two required courses plus one elective course)
Each year, newly admitted Ph.D. students will be encouraged to submit applications for these fellowships to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the college of engineering, who will forward them to the Institute Director. The director will work with the faculty advisory committee to select the most deserving applicants. A detailed description of the selection process will be distributed. The objective of this fellowship program is to support initiation of inter-disciplinary computational research on campus and to attract and train students in state-of-the-art scientific computation.
Institute Fellowships are also available in the following options:
- Florida Institute for National Security (FINS)
- Institute for Computational Engineering (ICE)
- Institute for Cell & Tissue Science and Engineering
- Institute for Networked Autonomous Systems (INAS)
- Nanoscience Institute for Medical & Engineering Technology (NIMET)
- University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI)