UF scientists use AI algorithm to improve strawberry disease detection

In Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, News, Research & InnovationBy Brad BuckStory originally published on UF IFAS News

In newly published research, Won Suk “Daniel” Lee, a professor of agricultural and biological engineering and Natalia Peres, a professor of plant pathology, show how artificial intelligence (AI) can improve leaf wetness detection to help growers estimate the risk of their fruit getting infected with a fungal disease.

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UF research spending at record $1.26 billion

In In the Headlines, News, Research & InnovationBy Joseph KaysStory originally published on UF News

UF faculty conducted a record $1.26 billion in research in fiscal year 2024, thanks in part to a nearly 10% increase in federally funded research, compared to FY2023. Engineers in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering conducted $150.4 million in research on such things as cybersecurity, accessibility to computer technology, storm readiness, retail theft deterrence, and robotics.

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As sporting events like the Olympics evolve, UF takes the lead in athletic innovation

In Featured, In the Headlines, NewsBy Abby WeingartenStory originally published on UF News

UF is already known internationally for its sports prowess. But, in the past year, it has grown into even more of an athletic think tank, with a slew of sports-related strategic initiatives coming to life across campus. These projects – covering everything from enhancing performance in para-athletes to using AI to collect sports-related health data – are helping shape the evolution of events like the Olympics and the Paralympic Games.