K-12 Initiatives

K12 Initiatives include classroom visits and presentations, field trips, and UF guest speakers to engage youth and expose them to career pathways in engineering and teacher professional development opportunities to support STEM. 

K-12 Outreach

UF Innovation Station Sarasota County ( (UFIS-SC), along with generous support from the Charles and Margery Barancik Foundation, is committed to growing the pipeline of students attending engineering schools by supporting the efforts of the districts and the K-12 teachers. We are working to engage students and expose them to opportunities in engineering through in-class demonstrations, participation in local STEM events, teacher training workshops, and field trips to UF.

  • Classroom support
  • Virtual and in-person guest speaker
  • Student Resources
  • Field Trips and Events
  • Girls Engaged in Engineering
  • Experience Engineering

Resources for Engaging and Preparing for a Career in STEM

Resources for K-12 Educators & Guidance Counselors

For further information on this program and how to partner with us, please contact:

Julee Breehne Headshot

Julee Breehne
Coordinator, Sarasota K-12 Gator Outreach (Sarasota K-12 GO) 

Email: jbreehne@eng.ufl.edu
Phone: 941-217-4263