Sponsored projects and research

The University of Florida offers companies several options for collaboration with top-notch students, faculty and facilities to provide solutions for engineering initiatives. 

Benefits to industry include: 

  • Get solutions to existing problems or future initiatives 
  • Get high-level work from students and faculty 
  • Receive prototypes of developed solutions 
  • Evaluate students for potential internships and future hires 
  • Engage with UF faculty and facilities 
  • Expand Company awareness within UF’s college of engineering 

Pathways to engagement include: 

  • Sponsored Capstone and Course Design Projects provide primarily senior-level engineering students an opportunity to collaborate on team projects sponsored by industry and apply their knowledge and skills in developing a design solution that meets the design requirements of the sponsor.  
  • Integrated Product and Process Design (IPPD)  is an experiential education program focused on developing multidisciplinary teams of senior-level undergraduates working for two semesters designing, building and testing products for industrial sponsors.  Visit https://www.ippd.ufl.edu/ to learn more about this outstanding program. 
  • Industry-Sponsored Projects and Research offer a high-quality, cost-effective way to conduct research or develop new products to extend a Company’s reach while tapping into the expertise, energy, and enthusiasm of top-notch faculty and students.   

For further information and assistance, please contact:

Ann Marie Chupa
Coordinator, Industry Programs
Email: amchupa@eng.ufl.edu
Phone: 941-217-4264