Four Step Internship Process – Student​

Four Step Internship Process – Student​

1. Meet with students (most likely virtually) and identify career goals​

  • Student submits bio and resume including internship objective, and youtube virtual bio (if possible) to UFIS-SC Industry Programs Coordinator at ​*

​2. Internship search is initiated with participating companies to assess best-fit internship for both student and company​

  • Students visits company website, reviews scope of work(s)/preferred skill set(s) document(s) to assess interest in position(s) ​*
  • Student bio and resume submitted to the company​
  • Company reviews student information and informs UFIS-SC of selected candidates interest​

​3. Company initiates interview process directly with the student​

  • Company contacts student(s) directly to set up interview/discussion. Student participates in the interview process as agreed upon by company and student. All human resource activities are confidential between the company and the student including items such as job offers, salary, timing, reporting structure etc. ​*
  • Student prepares for Interview process including researching company, making a connection and developing applicable questions​ *
  • Post-interview, the company provides UFIS-SC feedback on the candidate(s)​
  • Post-interview, the student provides UFIS-SC feedback on the company​ *

​4. Internship Follow-up​

  • UFIS-SC initiates contact with company/student mid-way and post-internship to gather feedback to support process improvement ​
  • If applicable, the student initiates conversation with the company on the potential for a senior capstone project (more information to follow)​ *
  • Student provides 1-page internship summary and copy of final summer project to UFIS​-SC *

* Student(s) is/are responsible for taking the necessary actions for this step.