• Read and follow all guidelines. There is no reason to lose points simply because you did not follow instructions.
  • Technical papers should be written in passive voice and past tense. There is a distinct difference between a Technical Report and an Essay.
  • Ask a teacher to proofread your report. If possible, ask both a Science teacher and an English teacher.
  • Guidance on each section of the Technical Paper:
    • Abstract
      • Includes the essential points of the purpose, methods, scope, results, conclusions, and recommendations
      • Short—1 paragraph to about 1 page in length (should be10% or less of the total report)
      • This is your chance to convince the readers that they should continue reading your report.
    • Page of Contents
      • Indicate on which pages the parts of the report can be located in a professional manner
    • Introduction
      • Introduce the problem, your hypothesis, and how you planned to resolve the problem through design while dealing with any restrictions.
    • Design
      • Discuss the experimental process by which you altered your car.
      • Reference the data tables from the appendix to defend the conclusions which cause you to change your design
    • Operations of Mousetrap
      • Please explain the process by which the car is prepared to run. Be explicit about the steps taken.
      • Explain as though someone will follow these instructions to remake your car.
      • List at least the primary materials used and what role they played, if applicable.
    • Conclusion
      • State whether your hypothesis was defended or rejected and why.
      • Discuss the results of your final design and why it is superior to prior methods.
      • Explain how future cars can further be improved and possibly a future hypothesis.