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Five big ways UF is benefiting Florida

In In the HeadlinesBy Brittany SylvestriStory originally published on UF News

Using artificial intelligence, scientists at UF are partnering with landowners and farmers to monitor and protect Florida natural and agricultural environments. With plans to measure the carbon dioxide captured by plants, soils and other natural resources, the researchers in UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering are creating a network to help better understand fluctuations in the state’s ecosystems, and ultimately, to develop AI tools to preserve Florida lands for long-term use and enjoyment.

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New ‘invisible finger’ technology poses potential phone-hacking threats, researchers say

In Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICYMI, In the Headlines, News, Research & InnovationBy Karen DooleyStory originally published on UF News

When a team of researchers from the University of Florida unveiled new technology that allows someone to hack into a nearby touchscreen-enabled device using what they call an “invisible finger,” those in the field of cybersecurity took notice.

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Laser Attack Blinds Autonomous Vehicles, Deleting Pedestrians and Confusing Cars

In AI University, Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, In the Headlines, NewsBy Eric HamiltonStory originally published on UF News

New research reveals that expertly timed lasers shined at an approaching lidar system can create a blind spot in front of the vehicle large enough to completely hide moving pedestrians and other obstacles. The deleted data causes the cars to think the road is safe to continue moving along, endangering whatever may be in the attack’s blind spot.