UF scientists use AI algorithm to improve strawberry disease detection

In Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, News, Research & InnovationBy Brad BuckStory originally published on UF IFAS News

In newly published research, Won Suk “Daniel” Lee, a professor of agricultural and biological engineering and Natalia Peres, a professor of plant pathology, show how artificial intelligence (AI) can improve leaf wetness detection to help growers estimate the risk of their fruit getting infected with a fungal disease.

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UF research spending at record $1.26 billion

In In the Headlines, News, Research & InnovationBy Joseph KaysStory originally published on UF News

UF faculty conducted a record $1.26 billion in research in fiscal year 2024, thanks in part to a nearly 10% increase in federally funded research, compared to FY2023. Engineers in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering conducted $150.4 million in research on such things as cybersecurity, accessibility to computer technology, storm readiness, retail theft deterrence, and robotics.