Module 1: What is Intelligence?

Module 1 – Middle School

This module has two parts.

Part 1 – Getting started with your team and working together as a team

Part 2 – Understanding “what intelligence is” and how we measure it in humans and computers.

Part 1 – Setting up your team

a) Pick a Team Name – this name should reflect the “Space is the place” theme for the contest. It can have your school name in it, like “UF Gators Space AI team1”, or it can have your names but not full names, “Nancy and Ben Space Raiders.”  Pick a fun name for your team that you will be proud of.

b) Fill out this Form about your team.

Module 1 Part 1- Way of Work.

Make sure to keep a copy for you and also upload this into the portal for the contest.

Part 2  -What is Intelligence?

This covers how intelligence is measured in humans, how human intelligence is used to determine computer intelligence, and the ethics of measuring and defining machine intelligence. Read these sections and be ready to use this information to answer some questions at the end.

Human Intelligence

Intelligence in people is usually measured by the ability to learn, understand, and solve problems. Psychologists have developed tests to measure different types of intelligence. These tests are called IQ tests or intelligence quotient tests.

IQ tests measure two main types of intelligence: verbal and performance. Verbal intelligence is the ability to use words and language. Performance intelligence is the ability to solve problems and understand visual information. These tests were designed in the early 20th century to measure workers for different types of jobs. They have been used widely in schools and for job applications, but many people do not think they are a good measure of human intelligence.

It’s important to remember that IQ tests do not measure creativity, emotional intelligence, artistic ability, motivation, or wisdom. Also, IQ can change over time, and tests have limitations. However, psychologists use them because they can predict how well someone will do in school or career training programs.

Computer intelligence

There are some critical differences between how human intelligence and artificial intelligence are measured:

– AI intelligence is measured by evaluating how well an AI system can complete specific tasks and challenges. These may include games like chess or Go, visual recognition tests, natural language processing, or the ability to generate sensible text.

– There is no standardized AI test like the IQ test for humans. AI systems are tested on a case-by-case basis on whatever skills they are designed for. The intelligence of a computer is always related to the task it is being asked to do.

– While IQ aims to measure general intelligence, AI systems are specialized for narrow tasks. For example, a chess AI has no ability to understand language.

– AI performance is precisely measurable based on metrics like accuracy, error rate, and task completion time. Human IQ tests rely on scoring systems and comparisons to others taking the same test. Computers are not compared to other computers for intelligence or humans for intelligence.

– AI intelligence is limited to the data and programming of the system. Human intelligence draws on real-world experience and abstract reasoning in open-ended ways.

– AI systems do not have life experiences or general knowledge. Their intelligence comes from statistical analysis over massive data sets.

AI developers aim to create specialized systems that can perform or exceed human-level skills for specific intelligent tasks. However, measuring artificial general intelligence on the scale of human intelligence remains a challenge. Unlike IQ tests, evaluating AI intelligence changes depending on the system and task.

Artificial Intelligence in computers

Artificial means something that looks like something else – like fake nails. Artificial Intelligence is a computer doing something that a human would typically have to do using their intelligence.

Watch this video on what Artificial Intelligence is and is not.

You will come back and use this video later to answer some questions.

Watch this video on how AI is used in space.

You might want to rewatch the videos to answer these questions, which you will upload for your Part 2 work.

Module 1 Part 2- What is intelligence

module 1 QR

 You will need a separate document for parts one and part two. You can also use the QR code to upload your work.