

Research Topics

Research activities within the Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology (NIMET) span many fields of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. Specific focus areas for NIMET research include: Nano-Materials, Nano-Electronics, Nano-Mechanical, Nano-Chemical, Nano-Fluidics, Nano-Physics, Nano-Biomedical, and Nano-Agriculture.

Research Projects

A select list of active multidisciplinary and highly collaborative research projects being pursued by NIMET faculty, students, and staff is provided on the Research Projects page.

Activities Supporting Research

At the University of Florida there are other institutes, research centers, service centers, education programs, and research groups that are engaged in activities that are related to and supportive of NIMET and its overall mission.

Research Safety

In addition, NIMET seeks to provide comprehensive safety guidance for principal investigators and to foster a positive culture of safety. Towards these goals, NIMET takes advantage of the fact that the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering at the University of Florida is one of only a few colleges of engineering in the nation that has a dedicated safety officer to run such an effective program.