Prospective Master’s Students

Prospective Master’s Students

master's options

Interested in a UF Master’s degree?

The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering at the University of Florida offers an exceptional environment for students pursuing a master’s degree in engineering. With access to state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge research opportunities, and a distinguished faculty, students are positioned at the forefront of technological and scientific advancements. UF’s engineering programs are designed to foster innovation, critical thinking, and hands-on experience, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for the challenges of the modern engineering landscape. The interdisciplinary approach and strong industry connections provide student with ample opportunities for collaborative projects and professional networking.

Follow these steps to get started!

  1.  Review our Master’s Degree program offerings to find the perfect fit for your career goals
  2. Complete this brief 30 second MS online interest form so we can stay in touch with you and provide an application fee waiver (if available)*
  3. Review requirements for admission for your chosen program
  4. Contact our Department Graduate Staff or Faculty Graduate Coordinators with questions

*Application fee waiver availability varies by department. Please see below for additional information.

Master’s Application Fee Waivers
International Students
  • Applying for on-campus or online (EDGE) Master’s program for Spring 2025 or Fall 2025 admission
  • All departments except CISE
  • Request MS application fee waiver with this brief online form:
  • International Students will be emailed a code and instructions if they are approved for a MS application fee waiver
U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents
  • 3.00+ cumulative undergraduate GPA
  • Applying for on-campus or online (EDGE) Master’s program for Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 admission in the following departments: 
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Civil, Coastal, Environmental Engineering
    • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
  • Request MS application fee waiver with this brief online form:
    Dept Department Request MS Application Fee Waiver
    BME Biomedical Engineering None Available
    CHE Chemical Engineering
    CISE Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering None Available
    ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering None Available
    EED Engineering Education None Available
    ESSIE Civil, Coastal, Environmental Engineering
    ISE Industrial Systems and Engineering None Available
    MAE Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    MSE Materials Science Engineering, Nuclear Engineering Sciences None Available