Engineering Innovation Certificate

With core themes involving the study of innovation, entrepreneurship, leadership, and ethics, this certificate develops a comprehensive skill set that is applied in innovation-driven enterprises and within larger organizations.


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At UF, the application process for all certificates is the same and is similar to applying for degree programs.

Undergraduate and graduate students may apply for the certificate through the University of Florida Office of Admissions page by scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting the Currently Enrolled App button.

Students should preferably apply for admission to a certificate program before taking the first prerequisite course but can generally transfer a course if it was taken within a year before being admitted.  When applying for a certificate, students will be asked to select their intended start year for the certificate program.  This should be the semester/year in which a student is applying for the certificate program and NOT the projected semester/year that the student expects to graduate with the certificate.  Getting this entry correct is important to avoid administrative issues when applying to receive the certificate through the One.UF system.

Students admitted to a certificate program should apply to receive their certificate through One.UF at the beginning of the semester in which they intend to graduate. Students can opt to request the award of a completed certificate in advance of receiving their degree.


For additional questions about course content or certificate requirements, contact Dr. Lawrence Tinker, Assistant Director of the Engineering Innovation Institute, at

Fast Facts
  • Open to both graduate and undergraduate students in any engineering discipline.
  • 9 credits, completed with minimum grades of B
  • The graduate certificate is available to distance-learning students as well via UF EDGE, Electronic Delivery of Gator Engineering.
  • Students cannot earn both the Engineering Innovation certificate and the Engineering Innovation minor.