UF Outstanding Advisor of the Year – Michael Todd

Michael S. Todd

Michael joined our advising team in December 2021 and has quickly established himself as a valuable member of our advising team. He has an unwavering commitment to student success and has demonstrated exceptional advising skills and leadership potential.

Michael’s passion for helping students achieve their academic and career goals is evident in his work with his advisees. He takes a personalized approach to advising, working with each student to develop a plan that takes into account their interests, strengths, and career goals. His dedication and hard work have resulted in high retention and graduation rates among his advisees.

In addition to his advising responsibilities, Michael has also taken on leadership roles within the College of Engineering advising center. He has been instrumental in developing and implementing new programs and initiatives that have benefited our students. His colleagues look to him as a mentor and role model, and his contributions to our advising team have been invaluable.