Academic Components

Academic Components


The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering is committed to providing accessible, consistent, and accurate academic advising to all students regardless of major. Our professional advisors and college life coaches are continually developing new strategies that contribute to the success of our Gator Engineers and the University of Florida (UF) community.

Gator Engineering at SCF students will have a Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering (HWCOE) academic advisor as well as a State College of Florida (SCF) academic success coach dedicated to their needs. Each of these advisors will play a large role in offering academic guidance. They are knowledgeable, highly trained, and serve as an important resource for finding internships and leadership opportunities.

Soon after confirmation, students are in touch with the Gator Engineering at SCF advising team to begin planning their course plans. Students will be required to attend the Gator Engineering at SCF program orientation during the summer which will be combined with a traditional SCF orientation so that students can take advantage of the expertise of SCF advising staff and the UF program coordinator at the same time. Students are also encouraged to get a head start on courses by enrolling in courses during the summer B semester, if desired.

Enrollment and Participation

During the first fall and spring semesters, all Gator Engineering at SCF students are SCF students taking SCF courses.

Contingent upon meeting the critical tracking requirements for their intended UF major, students are admitted to UF for the second fall semester. The critical tracking requirements for each major can be found here. A minimum grade of C or better must be earned in all critical tracking courses based on a maximum of two attempts (including withdrawals) and critical tracking GPAs are calculated based on the UF grading scale. Students can double-attempt up to three critical tracking courses. The critical tracking courses and timelines for each major can be found in the current UF Undergraduate Catalog. Students must earn and maintain semester and cumulative GPAs of 2.0 or higher.

Students who do not meet the minimum critical tracking course requirements at the end of the first fall semester remain as SCF students and are closely guided by their academic advisor to ensure proper registration and use of available academic resources. Students remain a part of the Gator Engineering at SCF program and are re-evaluated at the end of the following spring semester.

During the first spring semester, students in the program can take the online UF Fundamentals of the New Engineer course taught by a UF faculty member. Once students begin taking both UF and SCF courses, they will have a bill for tuition and fees from both schools. Students will pay SCF tuition and fees for SCF courses and UF tuition and fees for UF courses.


All Gator Engineering at SCF students are required to complete the A.A. degree from SCF. Most students complete all A.A. degree requirements while at UF, and the credits earned at UF towards this degree are reverse transferred to SCF for degree completion and certification.

UF Resources

Students in the Gator Engineering at SCF program have access to UF student resources, and are encouraged to participate in activities linking them to prospective employers and internship opportunities, research opportunities at UF, and study abroad opportunities.