Funding opportunities for research related to infrastructure systems and smart and connected communities at Na


10:00 am-12:00 pm
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Dr. Yueyue Fan wil will give a NSF outreach seminar on Funding opportunities for research related to infrastructure systems and smart and connected communities at National Science Foundation.
Dr. Yueyue Fan, the Program Director of the Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS) program at NSF will discuss funding opportunities related to infrastructure systems, disasters and resilience, and smart and connected communities at the National Science Foundation. Challenges brought by problems in these areas often require cross-disciplinary efforts from engineering, mathematics, and physical and social sciences. Therefore, we welcome audiences from broad academic communities. Specifically, we will focus on four NSF programs: Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), and Smart and Connected Communities ( S&CC), including their scopes, review criteria, and different expectations. This is also an opportunity to gather your input regarding critical gaps and research infrastructure needs.


Hosted by

ESSIE- Dr. Lili Du