NSF CAREER and Early Career Award Workshops: Guidance and Information


1:00 pm-3:00 pm
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The Early Career Stage Investigator Workshop is back!  The program will provide a “deep dive” into the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) as well as an overview of other early career opportunities. This workshop also initiates the departmentally-led red team review process for NSF CAREER proposals (which are due in late July).  

Those interested should register here. Three sessions will be offered, sign up for any combination of sessions you would like to attend: 

  • 1:00-3:00 PM on April 13: Guidance and Information 
  • 2:00-4:00 PM on May 17: Mock Review Panel  
  • 9:00-11:00am on June 20: Peer Review Session  

 How this works

  1. Faculty can select sessions in which they would like to participate. 
  2. On April 13th, the PIs can attend the informational workshop.
  3. Red teams are activated in April. PIs will submit proposals to the red team by the end of June (or another date jointly decided by the PI and red team      leaders)
  4. In May, PIs can attend the Mock Panel review workshop.
  5. In July, PIs can attend the peer review workshop.
  6. Reviews are completed and returned to the PIs in time for them to update their proposals, which are due to NSF on 26 July

Website (not fully updated for 2023 yet): www.eng.ufl.edu/nsfcareertoolkit

  • The main pages provide links to websites and workshop material to guide the preparation of an NSF CAREER proposal.
  • The Red Team Review page provides information for the departmental reviews of proposals.
  • The Brutal Truths Checklist page lists common issues reviewers find in CAREER proposals. It is a must read, as many of these 100+ criticisms were obtained from actual reviews.
  • The UF CAREER Awardees page lists past awardees at UF to help PIs locate example proposals and to help red team leaders build the review team.


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