Affiliate Status Seminar – Towards Provably Correct Cyber-Physical Defense with Integrated Formal Methods and


12:45 pm-1:45 pm
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MAE-A Room 303
939 Sweetwater Drive
Gainesville, FL 32611


Towards Provably Correct Cyber-Physical Defense with Integrated Formal Methods and Game Theory

Jie Fu, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Florida

The increasingly interconnected mesh of networks, sensors, and autonomous systems introduces unprecedented challenges to the security of cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Furthermore, in many defense and security applications, these mission-critical systems attract intelligent and purposeful attacks to compromise more complex system specifications besides safety and stability. In this talk, I will present our recent work on control design for security and assurance in CPSs. Based on an integrated approach using formal methods, game theory, and control, I will show how a CPS defender can strategically introduce misinformation and disinformation to deceive the attacker for strategic advantages and correctness guarantees respecting its high-level mission specifications. Then, I will discuss challenges faced by CPSs against coordinated cyber- and physical- attacks and show how a CPS defender can leverage joint control and active information acquisition capability to ensure provably correct system performance, against reactive attacks. Lastly, I will present our ongoing work on preference modeling and discuss how preference specifications can be crucial in achieving resilience in autonomous systems interacting with unknown, dynamic environments.

Dr. Jie Fu is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Florida. She earned her Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Delaware. She held post-doc research positions at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining UF, she was an assistant professor with the Department of Robotic Engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Her research focuses on theory and algorithms for synthesizing correct-by-construction autonomous systems through integrated formal methods, learning, control, and game theory. Her research is sponsored by NSF, AFOSR, ARO, and DARPA. She received the AFOSR YIP award in 2020, DARPA YFA award in 2021, and NSF CAREER award in 2022.

MAE Faculty Host: Warren Dixon


Hosted by

UF Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering