Thermochemical and electrochemical energy conversion processes, solar driven thermochemical redox cycles for H2 and syngas production, defect chemistry and thermodynamics of nonstoichiometric oxides, solid oxide fuel cells, solid oxide membrane separations, reaction kinetics
Robotics, machine intelligence, autonomous mobile agents, embedded systems, digital design, controls.
Applied AI and data analytics,Sensors
Applied AI and data analytics,Networks and communications,Resource management,National Security,Public policy
Wireless communications, adaptive modulation and coding, multicast
signaling, multimedia transmission over wireless channels, channel-quality
and spread-spectrum communications.
Applied AI and data analytics,Internet of Things,Bioinformatics
Foundational AI,Applied AI and data analytics,Neuroengineering,Personalized learning,Lifelong workforce development,Experiential learning
Applied AI and data analytics,Internet of Things,Sensors,Space,Public Health,Building a culture of inclusion and innovation,Invention faculty track
Complexity theory; geometric modeling and constraint solving; algorithms and discrete modeling.
Foundational AI,Automated construction,Space,Materials Under Extreme Environments,Soft matter/biomaterials/tissue engineering,Bioinformatics
Professor Spearot received his Ph.D. in 2005 from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests include: Computational mechanics and materials science (including atomistic simulations and phase-field modeling), behavior of defects in materials, nanostructured materials, linking between atomistic and continuum length scales, and method development for atomistic modeling.
Applied AI and data analytics,National Security,Materials Under Extreme Environments,Soft matter/biomaterials/tissue engineering,Experiential learning
Applied AI and data analytics,Energy,Materials Under Extreme Environments,Soft matter/biomaterials/tissue engineering,Lifelong workforce development,Building a culture of inclusion and innovation