Nanoday 2021 Image Contest

Nanoday 2021 Image Contest

Please share your most outstanding images of nanoscale and microscale science, engineering, and technology. The image competition is open to everyone at UF! This includes all undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, staff, and faculty at UF.

There are three categories in which to compete and receive awards:

Category 1 – Nanoscale

Category 2 – Microscale

Category 3 – Other

  • Participants should submit an image that demonstrates or highlights nanoscale and/or microscale research performed at UF.
  • Be sure to note which equipment and laboratory was used to prepare the samples and obtain the image. For example, if the Research Service Centers (RSCs) was used, be sure to state that and identify the specific equipment used.
  • Although each image can only be submitted to one category, there is no limit on the number of submissions.
  • Do not submit any images that have already been published somewhere else. However, you can submit the image if it has been modified.
  • Images should be in a clean format (e.g. no text, symbols, scale bars, borders).
  • Preferred image size is less than 2500 x 2500 pixels, with a resolution of ideally ~300 dpi.
  • Preferred image formats: .png, .tiff, .jpg, and .bmp.
  • Preferred file size limit: ~10 MB.
  • Copyright: Although NIMET and the Research Service Centers (RSC) will need permission to reproduce the submitted images, the copyright will remain with the originator.
  • Upload your images for the contest individually by Friday, October 8, 2021 (midnight).
  • Winners will be announced and recognized at the NanoDay RSC Open House, Tuesday, October 12, 2021.
  • Winning images will also be featured in the RSC Short Notes and RSC User Meetings.

If you have any questions related to the image competition, please contact Amelia Dempere.

NanoDay 2020 Image Contest Winners

Best Nanoscale Image Best Microscale Image Best Other Image

Bacterium on the Nano Pillars of Polyurethane Acrylate Nature’s Micro Wonders The Nanotube Scream
This SEM image shows that the bacterium E.coli adhered to the top of nanopillars made from polyurethane acrylate, and it gives a close view of how bacterial interact with nanostructures.

By: Ruwen Tan

This SEM image shows details of a segment of the organ of a mosquito used for demonstration purposes at the RSC.By Andres Trucco Dark and bright field images of a drop cast single-walled carbon nanotube film (50x magnification). Also, an interpretation of this unique film morphology as the classic artwork “The Scream.” Spooky!By Christopher Samouce

Nanoday Sponsors