NanoDay 2023

NanoDay 2023

Photos of NanoDay 2023

National Nanotechnology Day (NanoDay) is an annual event across the nation that

  • celebrates nanoscale science, engineering, and technology,
  • recognizes researchers advancing each of these fields,
  • applauds innovators translating nanoscale research into valuable products / services,
  • increases awareness of the potential for nanoscale research to positively impact lives.

Each year NIMET, the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Student Club (NNSC), and the Research Service Centers (RSC) organize two days of stimulating, educational, and social events that take place on or near NanoDay (Oct 9th: 10^-9). All NanoDay events are open to everyone involved in nanoscale research and workforce development. The research presented at NanoDay typically includes the following wide range of topics and beyond:

Nano-Electronics Nano-Medicine Nano-Materials Nano-Particles
Nano-Mechanics Nano-Biology Nano-Chemistry Nano-Agriculture
Nano-Photonics Nano-Dentistry Nano-Fluidics Nano-Environmental

This year NanoDay will be held in the Reitz Union on Oct 9th, 2023 and in the Nanoscale Research Facility on Oct 10th, 2023.

Special Event: 25th Anniversary of IMG:

At NanoDay 2023, we will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Interdisciplinary Microsystems Group (IMG) at UF, which is one of the largest and most active research groups doing work on advanced microscale and nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. Integrated into the annual nanotechnology presentation, industry panel, and poster session, will be a number of participants from IMG. 

Monday, oct 9th, 2023:

The first day of NanoDay 2023 will feature the following activities in the Reitz Union Chamber Room and adjacent conference rooms: Alumni Awards, Keynote Presentations, Student Presentations, Poster Session, Group Photo, Nanotech Industry Panel, and Best-Poster Awards.

Tuesday, oct 10th, 2023:

During the second day of NanoDay 2023, the  Research Service Center (RSC) will hold an Open House at the Nanoscale Research Facility (NRF) that features: Meet RSC Engineers, NRF Lab Tours, Instrumentation Demonstrations/Webinars, and Nanoscale Image Contest.

Register for NanoDay 2023:

Although registration for NanoDay 2023 has now officially closed, we welcome walk-in attendees to enjoy every part of NanoDay except for lunch.

Submit an Abstract:

The window for submitting abstracts to NanoDay 2023 has officially closed. Guidelines for getting your poster sized properly and printed are available. For those that are printing their posters, we encourage you to get them printed by Thursday, Nov 5th, since the campus will be closed on Friday, Nov 6th for Homecoming. We are very pleased with the large number of high-quality submissions and will be posting the final schedule of presentations and list of posters soon.  Looking forward to seeing all of you there at the keynote presentation, alumni awards, students presentations, lunch, poster session, and industry panel. 

Image Contest:

If you have an amazing, mysterious, or funny image of something at the nanoscale or microscale (or is at least related to research at the nanoscale), please consider submitting it to our image contest! To submit an image, use this form and read the guidelines by Thursday, Oct 5th (midnight).

Students, Join NNC!

We encourage all undergraduate and graduate students interested in NanoDay to join the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Club (NNC)JOIN HERE

We look forward to seeing many of you at this great annual event and hope you will encourage your peers and colleagues to participate in this celebration of UF nanoscale science, engineering, and technology research activities and resources.