Embedded test of mixed-signal/RF ICs, microwave ICs, mixed-mode s- parameters, interconnect, high-frequency characterization, analog ICs, power amplifiers.
Traffic operations, signal control optimization, highway capacity analysis, and traffic simulation.
Applied AI and data analytics,Internet of Things,Humans and technology,Transportation,Personalized learning,Lifelong workforce development
Activation analysis, radiation and radioisotope applications,
nuclear spectrometry and instrumentation, plasma kinetics,
fission and fusion systematics.
Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Florida (Current focus is to build a nuclear detection lab with accompanying research in neutron detection, fission physics and detector system development. Research areas include: neutronics in deuterated environments, Deuterium based recoil detectors, correlated fission neutron investigations.)
Applied AI and data analytics,Sensors,Energy,Space,Nuclear detection,National Security,Personalized learning,Lifelong workforce development
Research interests: Image and Signal Processing, Medical Imaging, Computational Mathematics, Machine Learning, Graphics and Visualization