Numerical simulations of statistical mechanical problems, colloidal suspensions, flow in heterogeneous media.
Computer engineering, database management, computer
Information technology planning and support, networking, integration, database development.
Design and modeling of IC fabrication process, computer modeling of semiconductor process and device behavior, numerical solution of partial differential equations.
Precision agriculture, variable rate application, machine systems design, sensor development, instrumentation, machine vision/image processing, farm automation.
Applied AI and data analytics,Internet of Things,Sensors
Statistical signal and array processing, spectral estimation, and signal processing applications in radar, acoustics, and communications.
Radio frequency integrated circuits, microwave/millimeter-wave electronics, wireless system engineering, electromagnetic waves.
Robust control, uncertainty modeling, aeroservoelasticity, nonlinear limit cycle oscillations, flight test techniques, time-frequency wavelet analysis.
Applied AI and data analytics,Space,Personalized learning,Experiential learning
Angela S. Lindner received a B.S. degree in chemistry from the College of Charleston in South Carolina in 1983 and an M.S. degree in chemical engineering from Texas A&M University in 1987. Her Master’s thesis work, funded by the Texas Transportation Institute, involved use of phosphogypsum, a byproduct of phosphoric acid production, in road construction, and this work began her environmentally focused career path.…
Research interests include high-dimensional learning, stochastic optimization, algorithms and their applications to medical decision-making & traffic modeling.
Foundational AI,Applied AI and data analytics,Transportation,Personalized medicine,Health care operations and manufacturing
Computer graphics, virtual environments, human computer interaction, image based rendering, computational geometry.
Aerosol dynamics and mechanics, air pollution control systems,
occupational health.