- I need to register for classes, but they require pre-requisites.
A lot of classes at UF has pre-requisites. Even though you may have completed the pre-requisites at your home institution, the UF system will not recognize it. Therefore, an advisor will have to give you permission or register you for classes.
- What if the classes that I want are full?
This is a common occurrence and while we cannot guarantee a spot in the classes, you can continue to monitor the enrollment and register when you see a spot. Students will add and drop classes during the first week of classes. I will let you know if you are approved to add the classes yourself.
- Can I still add or drop classes after registration?
Yes. You can add and drop classes until the last day of the first week of classes.
- Can I register for more classes than I need and drop them later?
Yes, as long as you drop the classes before the last day of the first week of classes.
- How many classes can I register for?
A typical workload for undergraduates is 12-15 credits, and 9-12 credits for graduate students.
- What if the class that I need is full?
Students will adjust their schedule during the week of drop/add and there is a chance that you will find a place. However, you should prepare to have alternate classes in case there are no free seats. If you are on exchange for an academic year, you can try getting the class in the Spring semester.
- I am registered in Section #A, but I like the times of Section #B better. Can you swap for me?
The priority is making sure that everyone is registered for classes. Requests for section swap will be accommodated after all students have been registered.