Get Involved With STEPUP

Get Involved With STEPUP

Are you interested in getting involved?  The following is a list of opportunities to get involved and/or support STEPUP and or the STAR Office:


The STAR Office offers an opportunity for current UF undergraduate students majoring in a STEM discipline and/or former participants of STEPUP. These opportunities include:

  • STEPUP Mentor(s): Undergraduate students interested in working with STEPUP can apply to become a STEPUP Mentor for the academic year. Applications are typically accepted during the Spring semester of each academic year. For more information, click here: STAR Mentor Application.
  • Collaboration with UF/HWCOE Student Organizations: The STAR office welcomes the opportunity to partner with UF/HWCOE student organizations that intend to sponsor programs and activities that promote the academic, professional, and personal development of first- and second-year engineering students. For more details, please contact us at
  • STEPOUT Program: The STEPOUT program was created through the generous donations of UF HWCOE alumni to support students who have completed STEPUP as first-year students. Current undergraduate STEPUP alum may be eligible to receive scholarships to defray the cost of participating in a STUDY Abroad program, Emerging Scholars program, Undergraduate student leadership conferences, etc.; for more information, please contact us at

The STAR Office offers current UF graduate students who are majoring in STEM and want to gain teaching experience working with first-year undergraduate students the opportunity to apply to become instructors for STEPUP during the summer. The STAR Office seeks graduate instructors in Calculus I & II, Chemistry, and Physics. Applications are typically accepted during the Spring semester of each academic year. To apply, please send a copy of your resume and cover letter to


The STAR Office offers an opportunity for UF alumni, UF alumni having participated in STEPUP, and/or Corporate Sponsors to get involved with STEPUP by:

  • Volunteering for one of our corporate speaker presentations to share your knowledge of the profession with our undergraduate students,
  • Have your company host a corporate tour of your facility for program participants during the summer, fall, and/or spring semester(s). This allows current STEPUP participants to experience real-world engineering first-hand and observe it during an on-site visit and tour of your company.
  • You can become a Friend of STEPUP by donating to the program, which will help defray annual costs related to program operation, scholarships for program participants, and other experiential learning activities. For more details, please click here.   

If you have additional ideas about how you would like to become involved with STEPUP, please contact us at,

We look forward to hearing from you!