Engineering Scholarships

Engineering Scholarships

Engineering College scholarships are made possible by the generous contributions of our donors. University scholarships and other forms of aid such as grants, loans, and student employment are housed at the Financial Aid Office. To see all of the available student aid please visit

Some scholarships offered through this program are need-based. In order to be considered for need-based scholarships, you must complete a FAFSA each year. Please refer to for instructions on how to file a FAFSA.

Scholarship Process

Scholarships are awarded the following academic year from the date of your application. Each year the application opens in October and closes in December. January through March, the applications are reviewed by Engineering departments. Their selections are made by the end of the spring semester. Those selections are then reviewed by the Office of Student Affairs over the summer semester. Students are then notified of their selection before the start of the fall semester. Pending an enrollment verification, the final processing and disbursement of the awards/funds occurs during the first three weeks of the fall semester.

Submitting the HWCOE Undergraduate Scholarship Application will make you eligible for all of the scholarships listed below except for the scholarships for which you do not meet the specified requirements.

Undergraduate Scholarship Application

The application for scholarships offered to undergraduate students by the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering for the 2024-2025 Academic Year will be available in the Fall 2024 term. Please check back soon.

 HWCOE Scholarships

Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit-based college scholarships are made possible by the generous support of the donors named in the scholarship titles below. Undergraduate engineering students in good academic standing are eligible for these scholarships.

John & Mittie Collins Engineering Scholarship

Robert A. Bryan Scholarship

Supports scholarship awards for undergraduates in Electrical and Materials Engineering.

Florence & Melvin Eickhorst Scholarship

Supports scholarship and/or fellowship in Mechanical and/or Electrical Engineering.

Guy C. Fulton Scholarship in Engineering

Supports scholarships for 2nd year undergraduate students planning on majoring in Engineering; awarded at end of 2nd year.

Thomas O. Hunter Annual Engineering Scholarship

Supports scholarships to students in the College who meet the following criteria: 1. Student who transferred from The Florida State College System with preference to (a) students who transferred from St. Johns River State College or (b) students who graduated  from a high school in Putnam County; or 2. Students who graduated from a  high school in Putnam County.

Addison Pound Jr. and Annie Cannon Pound Scholarship

Snelling Scholarship

Philip D. and Mary Ann Estridge Scholarship Fund

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Godron Engineering Scholarship Fund

John L. and Marie C. Traina Fund

Wayne H. Chen Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund

P.M. Pope Scholarship

Henry Bauch Scholarship Engineering Fund

Engineering College Scholarship

Joseph W. Wunsch Scholarship

Need Based Scholarships

Need based college scholarships are made possible by the generous support of the donors named in the following scholarship titles. Undergraduate engineering students in good academic standing who show Federal Need as indicated by their FAFSA are eligible for these scholarships. In order to be considered for need-based scholarships, you must complete a FAFSA each year.

Co-Op Student Assistance Endowed Fund

Inez Culp Goodrum Fund

Wheat Engineering

Supports tuition, or board, or lodging or any part of or all of such expenses of worthy male students attending engineering school or college at UF who need financial assistance.

Thomas O. Hunter Leadership Engineering Scholarship

Supports undergraduate/graduate students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership ability, and are working in and/or participating in the activities of the Engineering Leadership Institute at the University of Florida College of Engineering; preference shall be given to students with a demonstrated financial need.

For more information click here.

Carlos and Olga del Sol

Supports Junior and Senior undergraduate students who have demonstrated leadership and ethical traits as a student and mentors and made significant contributions towards improving their Department, the College, or the University while maintaining an overall minimum GPA of 3.2; preference shall be given to students who have demonstrated financial need, overcome disadvantages, and/or made meaningful contributions to continuing a diverse and inclusive student body.” 

For more information click here.

Horatio Alger Engineering Scholarship

Supports activities of students enrolled in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering. Funds may be used for tuition, living expenses, fees, travel to technical or professional conferences or student design projects or competitions. Preference will be given first to Horatio Alger scholarship recipients, then to National Merit Scholars and first generation in college students. This scholarship is made possible by the generous support of Dr. Herbert and Nicole Wertheim.

External Scholarships

The Office of Student Financial Affairs maintains a comprehensive online database of scholarships and financial aid offered by organizations that are not affiliated with the University of Florida. For more Information, please visit

HWCOE Research ScholarsHIPS

Fernandez Family Scholars Program

Pressly Scholars Program

These programs support Gator engineers to pursue graduate degrees in engineering. Selected students are provided research stipends and opportunities to develop their communication and research skills through:
  • Opportunities for travel awards to present at national and international research conferences
  • Workshops on the graduate school, fellowship, and graduate awards application processes
  • Research mentorship 
  • Participation in UF’s Center for Undergraduate Research Symposium and the state-wide annual Florida Undergraduate Research Conference

These activities promote students to successfully enter and complete a graduate engineering degree.

The Fernandez Family Scholars program seeks to support low-income and/or first-generation engineering students.


Be a full-time UF engineering undergraduate

Have a 3.0 or higher overall grade point average

Interest in research and/or engineering graduate studies

Selected Students

  • Must attend an orientation session scheduled during Fall 2024 after the application has opened through the HWCOE Office of Student Affairs
  • Must register for ENG 4912 Engineering Undergraduate Research
  • Participate in undergraduate research for 2 consecutive terms
  • A $1,500 award will be disbursed in two payments after completing each semester of research and completing the scholar requirements
  • Participate in UF’s Center for Undergraduate Research Symposium UF Center for Undergraduate Research at
  • Attend the annual UF Undergraduate Research Symposium ( and/or Florida Undergraduate Research Conference


A separate application must be completed for the HWCOE Research scholarships. The application is made available to students during the Fall each year via email. Students will be required to attach a typed summary of their proposed research project or statement of interest and how the proposed research will benefit their academic and career path, maximum one page.

Resources for Urgent Need


Concerns may include: experiencing unanticipated expenses due to an emergency situation, needing financial assistance, covering education-related expenses, a grant for unanticipated travel, etc.

Please visit:

You Matter We Care

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Hitchcock Field and Fork Food Pantry

The Alan and Cathy Hitchcock Field & Fork Pantry is a free resource for all students, staff, and faculty, at the University of Florida.

Please visit:

UF OneStop

The OneStop is available to advise undergraduate and graduate students about available financial aid programs and emergency resources. Contact the OneStop at 352-392-2244, make an appointment at, or visit the OneStop on the first floor of Criser Hall S107.

Dr. Pamela Dickrell

Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering

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